The code

This is a beta version of Breaking The Ice online. I'd welcome any feedback: mail me at

I'm originally a C++ programmer. A major reason behind writing this program was to teach myself JavaScript, PHP and Ajax. So, although the code isn't bad, it does look like JavaScript written by a C++ programmer, and you're bound to find mistakes and inelegancies. When you do, please do let me know.

There are some known issues with the code: for example, it's not defensive enough and the XML fetching isn't efficient. I'll probably fix these at some point. Right now, though, I'd like to work on other projects, so the code is presented as is.

I would welcome people using and expanding this code for other projects, but please get in touch first:

All images in this game, however - those listed in the "images" column below - are public domain. They were drawn by me in Microsoft Paint (I know, I know), except for the red rose image, the original photograph of which was originally taken by Peggy Greb. That, as a work of the United States government, is also, as I understand, public domain.


The database

btidatabase.sql is an empty version of the database.

You will also need dbaccess.php, which you should put in the include path specified in include.php, below.

The rest of the code and the images

Client side Server side Images